
Everyone must take a great journey through life. This is a little bit of my own, my odyssey.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Raising the Dead

Summer is finally here. I started a blog way back when, at the beginning of the year, and stopped after about three posts. Now, summer's here, and I find myself raising the blog from the dead. But this is a much more fun alternative to watching daytime tv. So, where to begin? How about the beginning of the day?
First Monday of summer, I found myself getting out of bed at seven o'clock to make it to my first Japanese lesson of the summer, at 8:15. I learn Japanese from the mother of one of my friends at school, and for a small fee, teaches me Japanese. Well, naturally, I tried to pay attention but all the different kinds of verbs were kinda... numerous. So, basically it's more reading for me to do, and get ready for class again Wednesday.
Getting back home... I did nothing... waiting for lunch, then watching some daytime tv. Bleh. A couple of friends are coming over Wednesday night, which mom's not to happy about. You see, I started a contract, at a certain martial arts dojo near me (the name of which I won't give on this blog). Well, halfway through my six month contract (apparently, the shortest one they had, you'd know if you like/hate something after six months) I found out how bad the dojo really was.
Didn't make the board requirements? Oh look, a faulty board, but you broke it anyway, so we'll let you pass. They'll let any kid pass, which goes to show how, uh, untrue it is to martial arts principles. So, I stopped going there, at least until school let out. Mom is now forcing me to go there, and finish the three months (all summer). But I can't just waste a summer, I have a destiny to fulfill! So, I'm looking for another dojo, but I can't go to any unless I continue with my damn contract. FURIOUS AM I!!!
So, basically, classes are on Wednesday, friend are coming over, can't go, mom's mad. Funny how even if you are in a high ranking position, your mom can still bug you. Case in point, Nero and his collapsible ship. I also plan on taking kendo, unfortunately, I just found out two days ago from a very experienced kendoka that all the people left for another club, leaving me with all the lesser experienced people.
BUT THERE IS AN UPSIDE, I have found a decent dojo near me, two actually, and I hope to scout them out soon, however mom won't let me until I start going to the bad dojo. Darn.
Well, I'm not sure if there's a little intro part thing in the blogs any more, well, I'll just tell you flat out. In case you haven't noticed, I'm into martial arts, and anime, manga, video games, and uh, a little more martial arts please, and don't forget the Japanese. Buddy's probably gonna yell at me for putting it at the end, and get mad at me because I'm so lazy (i know you will, and if you don't, it's just to prove me wrong), but I really only seem lazy, and only in things like school and homework and stuff. Unless the homework is somehow related to Japanese/martial arts. Well, what a sucessful first post (well, that is if it even shows up, at this very typing moment I haven't published it yet) and I'll see you all around (if there even is an all to see....).


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