
Everyone must take a great journey through life. This is a little bit of my own, my odyssey.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Like Getting Something New

I'll try not to delete these posts that I make, after all, they are part of my history. Maybe someday I'll be famous, and someone will find these, and BAM, all over the internet about how much of an atheist I am. Or maybe this will be a precursor to my fame. People will say, "I remember when he used to update his blog every five seconds!" But I think the reason for these long posts is that I got caught up in the excitement of a blog, and getting my thought out there. Kind of like when a kid gets a new toy. He plays with it all day, can hardly go to sleep. Then the next day, forgets about it. Maybe I should take it slowly, and post things as I think about them, instead of writing articles and stuff, allowing shorter posts. After all, the shorter the post, the easier it is to think up a title.


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