
Everyone must take a great journey through life. This is a little bit of my own, my odyssey.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Got to Escape

I'm suffocating here, I really am. Well, I am happy that I am taking Japanese class at Enloe, but other than that, it's one period, and if I wasn't taking that class, I don't know if I could get up at 5:30 every morning. My life here sucks. I want to train in martial arts, desperately. Right now, some might not believe what I am doing, some might say it is crazy, my parents say it's crazy, but I have some instructional DVD's for a particular style of martial arts. One is unarmed, one is sword, and another is modern self defense, like what you could encounter in modern day. Well, that and my own personal training is what I have been doing for the past... couple months I guess. Mom says that I need to join a real place, with real people, because the people are only seeing what is written on a piece of paper. What people, you ask? Colleges. Yeah, that's dictating my life as of now. What do I want to do? I would love to just go someplace that has a Dojo for the style I am training in. There are tons, several in North Carolina, but none in Raleigh. WHY IS RALEIGH SO SCREWED UP??? Even my relatives from Texas say, "this place is... interesting..." Yeah, I dunno. Mom has been saying, "we'll move this summer, we'll go find another job." then, she turns around five minutes and says, "this is where there is opporitunity, this is the only place!" Well, we haven't exactly been looking for jobs... partially due to the fact that my mom has been homeschooling my little brother and sister... I just have to get out of here!!!


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