
Everyone must take a great journey through life. This is a little bit of my own, my odyssey.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

My Place in the Religious Ladder

A friend of mine told me what category I fall into when it comes to religion: agnosticism. They are the kinda people who say, "Eh, it could be this way, or it could be that. No way of telling." Before I thought it was just the impartial category or something, apparently not. Well, I'm not an atheist... right? There's one for my good points. Yay. But if I recal back to my theology classes, thinking in this manner can also give you a one way ticket to hell.

The only reason I might refer to myself as an atheist (though I'm not really one) is because there is always that one Catholic who thinks you either believe or not, and there's no in between, and if you're in that third category, it automatically makes you an atheist. Then that person proceeds to spread rumors about you all over, and pretty soon nobody wants to associate with you. Bad experiences with religion, very bad experiences...


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