
Everyone must take a great journey through life. This is a little bit of my own, my odyssey.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Women Setting Maturity Standard

This came up, I think it was, yesterday in geometry. Sometimes my teacher likes to go off on tangents for a couple of minutes right after the bell rings at the start of class. But I found it somewhat interesting. He was saying that it was women who set the standard for what is "mature" and what is "immature". The thing is that guys don't really use, "you're so immature" as an insult, really. Instead, we usually say things more along the lines of, "you mother f*****" or something like that. So, "you're so immature" is usually what women say, and to guys. Because when a woman says, "you're so immature" to a guy, that basically means, "this means we're not going out on Friday night." Because, a girl wants to be with a guy that she can actually be seen in public with. And guys want to be mature, just to date women. Because if women would date men how we are naturally (I am a guy... straight for those still wondering) then there would be no need for us to become more mature or to change at all.

So that's how women set the standard for maturity. An interesting thought from my geomtry teacher... before we started class.


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