
Everyone must take a great journey through life. This is a little bit of my own, my odyssey.

Friday, July 02, 2004

No Time to Myself

As I write this, I am currently being harrassed by certain unpleasurable company. In short: family. Now, you may think me strange, but on the whole, my family (on my mother's side) is most certainly not pleasant. She doesn't even like them, despite us being related. My cousins, in her opinion, aren't raised properly, and judging by the way they are around me, I must agree. First, it was just my cousins from Texas, they were okay, they didn't stay over at my house, they stayed at my grandma's house, but we'd get together somewhere and have some fun. Then my cousins from Florida came, bleh x_x

Now, when he arrived, he stayed over at my house on the first night. And my mom said previously, "he's not going to stay over here, we have stuff to do". So he stays over the first night. Then again on the second. Then on the third day, mom asks my aunt (cousin's mom) if she wanted to stop by my house and pick up his stuff. Do you know what she said? "he's fine there". I just about comitted seppuku, seriously. Normally he's just an ass, and he's always trying to put me down for "staying online too often" and "not doing any sports". Well I'm sorry if all of my activities are in the evening, and I don't have much to do during the day. But do you know what he did when he got here? Sat down on the couch, whipped out his GBA SP, and started playing. That's ALL HE DOES! Then he says "you're always online" to me, when I get on for fifteen minutes. I just about beat the shit out of him. WTF!!! Arg, to last week, this week, and next week, will NOT BE FUN AND EXTREMELY UNPRODUCTIVE.


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