
Everyone must take a great journey through life. This is a little bit of my own, my odyssey.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Not a One Sided Coin

Life's been pretty hectic over the past several weeks, but now that relatives are leaving, life will slowly go back to normal, getting back in the swing of things, Japanese, martial arts, sleep, etc. But that's not the point.

I always like to think I have a mysterious alter-ego, someone that subtly takes control sometimes, and influences my actions. This might have been influenced by the "other Yugi" in Yugioh. I think everyone has one of those... but I think my mysterious alter-ego is pretty bad. He is a very evil me, that likes to be ruthless and cruel, only looks out for numero uno, me. I try to stiffle this alter-ego of mine, but like anger, if you keep it bottled up inside, he'll break out eventually, usually in times when you DON'T want to be mean. Well, what do I do in order to keep this alter-ego in check? VIDEO GAMES!

As terrible as I might be (mostly in fighting games) I am ruthless and cruel whenever facing my opponents in one on one multiplayer action. Taking out opponents when they're most vulnerable in Halo, using the ultimate combo techniques over and over in the few fighting games I play, never letting up, even if my opponent is trapped in the corner, stuff like that. Of course, some people might say that's stupid, and how you're SUPPOSED to play like that... *shrugs* it's a good way for my evil alter-ego to get some evil exercise and stretch his legs a bit. Other than making people not want to play with me anymore (happens all the time with my little brother and sister in Duel Monsters) there's really no harm to it.

Like I said, I think everyone has an alter-ego of sorts, or an "inner Sakura" if you're a naruto fan, lol. Good people have bad alter-egos, and maybe bad people have good alter-egos, but that's just my theory. Maybe someday my ambitious alter-ego will get me someplace in the world. Shogun of the world... heh heh heh.