
Everyone must take a great journey through life. This is a little bit of my own, my odyssey.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Busy day! Busy week! Dies Dura!

Before I start I want to give a shout out to Katie, from the other side of the tree!

I would link to her blog but... she might get mad at me... apparently she is the cousin of my cousin... thus, the other side of the tree.

Now the keys for this post edit thing are wierd... last night, Enter button would skip down, now you must press Shift+enter!!! aaaahhhh!!!! In any case, I have lots of work to do for my big and final C&C project!!! The corporation project!!! I am doing a lot of stuff for this project, mainly because I need it to save my butt for both english and Civics. I told myself I should stop slacking, as I need to do the project, read 1984, and study Japanese. It is funny, last year 5 people said, "read 1984, you will like it." and I said, "yeah, sure, whatever." And 'lo and behold, I have to read it for school!!!! And my intermediate Japanese courses start oh the 12th, and last 12 weeks. I was gonna take them so I could get into Japanese 3 next year, but I find I am not going to Enloe anymore, and Raleigh Charter doesn't have Japanese... but hopefully it'll all work out.

For some reason, updating right now is a chore, so I will stop now. Oh, and Dies Dura is latin for "a rough day". Maybe I'll update later on tonight.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

*Insert cool title that I don't have*

It's been a long time since posting and... I still don't have a cool title. I just had to take this quick internet break, to look up some stuff for my very busy school schedule. I have to get back to reading 1984 soon, I should have read it last year (5 people recommended that I read it) and now I HAVE to read it for school... Ah well, it's a good book anyway, by far my favorite we have read throughout the entire course of the year. Maybe I'll get back to posting more tomorrow, as school starts to wind down and speed up (last minute projects...) I may (or may not) have some free time to post. Lots of stuff coming up, but cya!....... okay, not that anybody is actually reading... but..... whatever...... let me feel good about myself..... okay.......