
Everyone must take a great journey through life. This is a little bit of my own, my odyssey.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Been a Little Busy

Well, I haven't quite had as much time as I had planned to update, so to keep from losing too much interest, I decided to write this random post, just to keep me blogging. What's been taking up most of my time is, of course, school. Geometry is a drag, very complicated, and Biology... ugh, we're doing the MOST STUPID THING EVER!!! as a project, and well... let's just say that if I hadn't stepped in for the past couple of days, we would be nowhere near where we are now, which, is currently still out of site of the end. If that was too confusing, if I hadn't stepped in, we would have nothing done. I'm not trying to be egotistic or anything, it's the truth. The rest of my group can't make decisions, and while they are "thinking" they get sidetracked and start talking about Strongbad. Now, I like Strongbad, funny guy, but there is a time to talk about him, and a time to do your Biology project. I need this grade to pull myself back up to an A so I can get a good average this semester and for the year, but this project looks like it's gonna send my average straight to hell. Oh boy... And in C&C *(honors English and Civics, but with big projects) we are having a project at the same time!!! Been very busy with that, it's basically a mock trial. Fortunately, the rest of my group seems as zealous as I am to get a good grade, as this project counts for a big portion of the quarter grade. And in the minutes I have between all that, I play Fire Emblem, so that's why I haven't updated...

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sky Captain: World of Tomorrow

Minor Spoilers!!!

Let me first say this about the movie: terrible. One thing that bugged me was how it was all done in computer animation, except for the actors who were live action. They were the only thing live action. Also, the colors were very dark through the first several minutes, giving a black and white feel or something, which also bugged me. The characters, ugh. They were so one track minded that they were totally unbelievable. For example, Polly Perkins. At one point she drops her camera in a gutter, and risks getting stepped on by a unit of giant robots to get it out. She could have waited until those 8 robots passed her to get her camera, because it's not like they were damaging the roads or anything, but now, we have to have drama. And the fantasy world type setting was interesting... they had enough money and technology to have giant air fortresses fly around in the sky constantly, can build giant robots, giant rocket, but they must continue to use simple type-writers. But hey, a fantasy world, right? I don't want to go into a full review, but let's just say that one major thing that bugged me was, again, the characters. They just didn't seem real, they were too stupid. Oh, and Polly Perkins risked going into a room full of dynamite that was going to explode in two seconds to get her camera. Why?

All in all, bad movie, if not downright terrible.