
Everyone must take a great journey through life. This is a little bit of my own, my odyssey.

Friday, June 11, 2004

No Fruit at the Bottom

Well I had one of those Yogurt fruit at the bottom things, and when I started to stir it up and stuff, there was no fruit at the bottom. It was strawberry, and there's never any of that at the bottom anyway, but when you start to stir up blueberry, it's so blue it's black. Oh well.

I was talking to a friend of mine by the name of Annie, and she told me that she had heard God made man first as a blueprint, then made women as an improvement to all the flaws. Well, I suppose all that talk about men being superior to women back in the days of fuedal society (even up until recently, relatively speaking) was crap. And I suppose that's true, considering all the things women can do and men can't do because a woman's center of gravity is different than a man's... oh well, I guess that's life, always having to dig through to the fruit on the bottom, only to find out there isn't any...

Change and My Lost Thoughts

This has happened to me over and over again during the past several days. I think about something at night, and it is a really good thought that I want to write down here. Unfortunately, my sister is still in school (year round), and I have to go to bed. I sit down on the computer, and the awesome thought is... gone. I don't believe it, it's like I'm wasting all of my thoughts. Mere shadows are the only remains I have of them... *sigh*

Well, several people have been talking about change recently, so should i talk about it? Maybe, if I wanted to follow the crowd. Which I don't want to do at all, unless the crowd is good, which it is, so I'll follow the crowd. There are two types of change: vuluntary, and involuntary. Both have happened to me over the years. First is involuntary. I lived a happy life in Oklahoma, hanging out w/ Buddy, friends, away from my annoying family, always screwing everything up and finding some fault with me. *sigh*.

Then, dad loses his job, economy, and we are forced to move. We were looking for a house, the only problem is, there are no good neighborhoods in VA (where my dad's new job was, and is), so, we decided to move into our grandparents old home in bad old NC. Everything went downhill. There were no good schools, but one of the better ones was a so-called elite public school. It wasn't actually elite, but it was the best option. So I go there, and the environment is so much... different. It's not the people were necessarily "mature", more like exposed to more, "mature" things. Most of 'em were jerks, and I only had several friends, who weren't even friends, more like aquaintances that I could talk to in order to save from boredom.

So I leave, and go to a private Catholic school, that wasn't much different, just throw in mass, and cut the students by a thousand, and there you have it. Still surrounded by that stupid rap "music", which isn't even music. Then, I didn't like rap, but now, after be surrounded by it, I was affected less and less and less. Until one day, I got up, and actually wanted to listen to it. At first, I couldn't believe it, and tried to drop it, but I couldn't, and the aquired taste in rap still haunts me today.

I grew up very fast in those two years, and sometimes I wish it never happened, but now I'm glad it happened, looking back. It shaped me into the person I am today, and showed me what I hope I will never become. The second change is voluntary. You want it to happen, you make it happen. It just doesn't come to you, like a forced move and a decided public school, you make it happen. Sometimes the reason are different. Some want to be cool, other want to get a guy/girl they are love-struck with. While other's choices are different. But all that change is the same: they make it happen.

I have down that, started last year, when I was taking a karate class. There I saw the kendo club practicing, and I instantly wanted to be part of that. For those of you who don't know, kendo is Japanese swordsmanship, evolved from kenjutu, and is now basically a sport popular in both Japan and the U.S. (just not on the same scale). Then I hear about a great Japanese swordsman named Miyamoto Musashi, who saught spiritual enlightenment by way of the sword. I was instantly motivated, inspired.

Going out, I signed up for some trial classes and kendo, sure it was hard, but I knew that it was my calling. I became a member, and started. Every Wednesday and Saturday I would come home from practice exhausted, but I was overjoyed with what I was doing, for the first time in two years, it was something I actually wanted to do. I then heard of two books, The Book of Five Rings (Go Rin No Sho in Japanese I believe) and Musashi, a fictionalized biography. Then I hear of the movies Samurai and the manga Vagabond (based on his life). I have yet to see/read most of those, but very soon I will, on my ever-lasting quest to better myself.

I have also started to learn Japanese. At first I learned the katakana, hiragana, and kanji online, then, I found out a friend's mother studied Japanese in college. I asked her if she would teach me, and she agreed. I have been taking Japanese for about two months, and like kendo, it is very hard, and very different from English, but I enjoy learning it, and enjoy expanding my knowledge.

Change is part of life, sometimes it is unwanted, but always needed. It makes people who they are and can even change the course of other people's lives, making and breaking relationships. People should always strive to better themselves, usually through change, but should also learn to accept unwanted and involuntary change, though it maybe be hard.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Like Getting Something New

I'll try not to delete these posts that I make, after all, they are part of my history. Maybe someday I'll be famous, and someone will find these, and BAM, all over the internet about how much of an atheist I am. Or maybe this will be a precursor to my fame. People will say, "I remember when he used to update his blog every five seconds!" But I think the reason for these long posts is that I got caught up in the excitement of a blog, and getting my thought out there. Kind of like when a kid gets a new toy. He plays with it all day, can hardly go to sleep. Then the next day, forgets about it. Maybe I should take it slowly, and post things as I think about them, instead of writing articles and stuff, allowing shorter posts. After all, the shorter the post, the easier it is to think up a title.

Dodging the Questions

The previous post was on the meaning of life, but how much of it was actually on the meaning of life? Basically, I just said stuff about creation, and God, then referenced fate, then talked about death. Basically, I dodged the questions. Or as my friend would say, I "danced around the bush." I don't much care for his way of saying it, but whatever floats your boat. It just occured to me, that perhaps the reason for lengthy posts was because I liked to hear myself talk. Maybe I should have said, "some say the meaing of life is this, this, and this. I think, it is this, because of this. And when talking about life, let's talk about death. blah blah blah" Maybe I should just rewrite that last post, seeing how it is 3:30 in the morning, I need to fix the blog post time.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

The Meaning of Life

I should probably post this at the start of the post, as posting it somewhere in the middle seems too difficult at this point. It is a quote given to me from a very intelligent person responding to my "There and Back Again" post. Here it is.

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear."
-- Thomas Jefferson
Probably one of the best quotes I have ever heard in my life (and I don't hear many).

Well, there are two reasons for today's title. One being the movie, The Meaning of Life, another monty python movie. Let's just say that I didn't care too much for it after the first twenty minutes. I had an argumen/discussion with Buddy about judging things too soon. My case was that you really needed to see/read something all the way through before forming an opinion. Well, it turns out that in some cases that is not necessarily true, case in point: The Meaning of Life. Bleh.

However, though I decided to stop watching it after the first hour or so and decided to update my blog, I did pay particular attention to the opening of the movie. It was talking about life, what's the point, are we God's little joke, just strands of copying DNA, blah blah blah. I did stop to think about it though. What IS the meaning of life? Why are we here? I think there comes a time in every young writer's life (that would be mine) where he/she must write about the meaning of life, it is an unwritten rule, or maybe it just happens as one matures... I don't know. I do know that I'm talking about it here and now. If you don't want to hear what I have to say, or if you are closed to other people's opinions that might be more radical than yours, you are now being warned... LEAVE! (waits calmly as the rich people in the back leave...). Okay, now we're here.

First off, everyone has their own opinions, religions, etc, thus, everyone's idea of the meaning of life is different from any others. I'll try not to *bash* any other opinion, and if you feel like I have, I'm sorry, I only wish to point it out. Now, you can't talk about the meaning of life, without talking a bit about death (well, you could, unless you agree with the yin and yang philosophy, that you can't have one oppostie without the other). So, life, let' start at the obvious points: religion. Again, for all of you strict people who stand fast in your religion of choice, you might want to leave. I can only speak from a Christian reference, as that is the only religion I know about (I'm sorry all of the never heard of it/don't know much about it people in the audience).

The Bible tells us God created the earth, the sky, animals, and finally... humans. I won't say "man" as the Bible says, because that is sexist, and that sucks. (I told you it might be a bit radical... didn't I?" Well, did it say anything about aliens? Or things other than earth? No. And that was all good and fine, until people actually left earth and headed into space, finally realizing that the heavans weren't just a painted picture in the sky which moved, meaning that there is more to the universe than, our little tiny planet. So, this fits into the topic because, why was the human race the only ones made in the universe? Or maybe, we AREN'T the only humans. Maybe somewhere on the other side of time and space, is a world just like ours. Or maybe we are the only ones who were made, so is our meaning to life just to take over the entire universe? Or maybe, God did create more things then He's willing to tell us. (I could go into another long discussion about stuff like that, but I won't, I have enough thunderbolts heading my way as it is...)

Well, back to the bit about taking over the universe, I have ehard some people say that the meaning of life is to achieve destiny. Would that be human's destiny? Maybe, maybe not. But does destiny exist? (For that bit, refer back to the "There and Back Again" post). For those Matrix fans out there, the meaning of life is to... (waits for audience to call it out) that's right, the meaning of life is to die.

Dying and the after life (if there is one), is just like the meaning of life, everyone has their own opinion, religion, etc, that contribute to their meaning of life. This is how death and afterlife were explained in the theology classes at my Catholic school. When you die, you discard a body, and you go through purgatory (or something like that) clensing your body of sin, because nothing impure can enter heaven. Well, what is in heaven? Nothing like you ever experienced. And, that's just about it... vague huh? Well, I went to a church service for Easter I believe, and they said that in heaven, you will eternally praise God. And since you have no body, no need for anything, you don't need to take a bathroom break and never come back (kind of like skipping class, except it's more like skipping a lecture from the principle...). Well, I'm sorry, but that sounds (at the risk of being blasphemous) a little, uh, overdoing it. Then, I have heard another opinion from a catholic frind of mine, and he thinks that heaven is perfect, yes, where you can meet all of your loved ones, and enjoy all of the great things in life that you may have missed. Stuff like having a nice car or something, but you were too poor, so instead you got a go-cart. Just for fun, I think I'll put my opinion of heaven. Like one big online forum. Where everyone is there, great famous people like Miyamoto Musashi, and Julius Caesar. Where you can sit and converse as much as you like, and then leave to other portions. You could, like blogger, have your own section of heaven, where you could sit back, and enjoy eternity, maybe even play some life-like role playing video games or soemething.

Well, another thing that would be cool that I'm sure everyone's heard about: reincarnation. I'm not sure if it's coming back at the next link of the giant food chain or what, but just reincarnation in general. Like, if I was Miyamoto Musashi in the past, or maybe Tokugawa Ieyasu, or a farmer. And if so, did I look the same? Probably not if I really was a Japanese person. Would I be recognizeable? Maybe. So thta would just be recycling of souls and spirits. You were a bad person? HA! You'll get turned into a bug and squished a thousand times over! Then come back as a person, with a second chance, and this time, your soul would be good. But while on earth have no recollection of the past until you die.

And there's one other thing I have heard, and I'm not sure if it is any certain religion. Every soul is part of a giant mass of souls, in a spirit world, and sometimes, we feel the desire to come to earth, and experience emotions, like love, hate, ambition. Then when we die, we go back up to that mass of spirits. Our souls have no definite shape, just a general form representing who we are.

Now, to talk about the downside of Christianity afterlife: hell. Sometimes, hell seems like kind of a waste. In my theology class we learned that there is no escape from hell, once you're there, you're there for eternity. Same with heaven. Do you ever get to return from either? Apparently not. So God can keep creating new souls, with individual personalities and features as many times as He wants without making a single double... wow. But then I wonder, what if heaven and hell can get... too full? Well, God is perfect, he can make anything happen, so I guess not. At least with reincarnation, there is always a possibility of having a second chance if you screw up the first one. Squished a thousand times... hmmm, I suppose it's better than an eternity in hell, with no second chance.

I hope those few that remain (hears a cricket chirp in the back of the room) found this article enlightening. I'm sorry if anyone feels offended (though I gave several big warnings), or if you think I *bashed* your religion, I'm sorry and please let me know. There are probably many errors still in this text after it is posted and they'll be fixed whenever I see them.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Purpose of the Blog

Believe it or not, some people have actually read my blog, especially the post before this one. And one major thing has come up: the length of the post. I'll try to make this purpose short, as long as another issue doesn't come up. One person said that I had written a bible, and Buddy (I'll have to link to his blog) said that short=good. Well, I suppose, but this blog's purpose is somewhat different than last time. My last blog (which only had three posts, so this is a record for me) was like a journal, with my day and feelings added to it. Well, this time it's more like my thoughts on particular issues and things.

For instance, if I have a good conversation with someone, then I'll post about the topics discussed and write my feelings about them here. The first post of the blog (written yesterday) was like a journal entry, but last night I decided to do something different. So from now on, I'll post about my thoughts, and maybe give you some examples from my day. Wow, three posts in one day.

There and Back Again

It's here again, summer. Yes, I know we've all been there before, and it's back again. But it has also come along with its buddy, summer boredom. Next week will hopefully not be so boring, as the explosion of martial arts (and hopefully all those books I want too) will liven it up. But now, and until next week, I and friends shall be bored. My computer is acting excrutiatingly slow at this moment, so because of the fear of never being able to get back, I will just stay here and post some thoughts, I have many. Yes, I already posted today, and at first I thought I should only post once, but I have lots of things going through my head that I need to write down. The first of which being the paragraphs, apparently they won't let you indent, so I'll just have to skip spaces, yes it will take up more space, but oh well. I know some other blog's pages are already as long as mine, but with more posts, well mine will be even LONGER with LONGER posts, especially skipping a line for a new paragraph.

Well, I still indent, but it doesn't show up. Oh well, It's still a good habit I guess. Anyway, I was wondering if my little domain called Shogun's Fortress will ever be great. If people will ever say on some forum or another, "oh yeah, Musashi posted something about that on his blog" and people will know what that person is talking about. But how will I get there? Do I just post it on random message boards? *is flamed* um, no, I'd be eaten alive for posting garbage. Or maybe fate has something to do with it? Maybe someone will get bored, and click on some random blog that will be mine because he/she doesn't know what a shogun is. He/she might be so bored that they even start at the first post (as after this it will only be three). So fate might have a hand in it. But does fate even exist?

I'm Christian, at least from a Christian family, and just got out of a Catholic school, where we learn all about God. And they say that fate doesn't really exist, that God gives us free will. Okay, so fate is non-existant, right? No, because God has a plan, meaning he knows how it'll work out, meaning that he knows you're going to have to choose between cheese and peperoni, and he knows you are going to choose peperoni. But wait, he never takes away free will, so you could always choose cheese, and break fate. But WAIT! He knows you're going to do that, thus you are still under the command of fate.

But sometimes, I wonder if there is a God. OH NO, I'm a Christian that is questioning the existance of God? I'm going to hell... well we already knew that, and if you didn't, now you do. But, how can you NOT question the existance of God? You never actually see Him, so let's think about it. I wouldn't want to disobey my dad because I know he won't like that, besides, I see him every day, he's my father, I don't want to disappoint him. But, I don't really see God everyday, I pray, but do I actually HEAR Him reply? I haven't.

And I know there's someone out there who is just now leaving my blog, saying that I'm some pagan dude, who just doesn't care about God. Well, I know someone who questions God, I know several people, sometimes it's just something to do in this summer boredom (that and go to the pool), but sometimes it's a serious discussion. But he's a good person. While I'm on the topic of "being basically a good person", let me tell you about this book.

While I was at that particular Catholic School, we were reading a book, We're on a Mission From God, and it was saying stuff about if you don't go to church every Sunday, and pray every day, morning and night, then you aren't good enough to get into heaven. So I say to myself, "well, I'm basically a good person." Then do you know what the book turns around and says? I'll give you some time to figure it out................ the book says, "and if you think you're 'basically a good person', it's STILL not good enough, you can't just be 'basically a good person' to please God." So I guess for myself and my non-Christian friend, it's hopeless. And hopeless for many others. Seems kind of, mean, doesn't it? Hopeless, pointless.

Pointlessness, what IS pointless? I met somebody, and he was having an argument with another person, let's call them Jon (first person) and Bob (second person). Jon said that severything was pointless. One the things he said was "in fifty years, or one hundred, will people remember Julius Caesar?". Well, the average person won't, and the average go-to-public-school-but-still-won't-do-homework-or-study guy won't, and they don't know. I didn't, before going to that school, the only Caesar I knew of was the salad, but I learned. So, after saying the average person won't, he moved on to discuss how all of his achievements were pointless. Well, let's stop and take a look at that.

He conquered the Gauls, expanding the Roman empire, he went around the Mediterranian many many times, strengthened the empire, and if it weren't for him, Egypt might not have became part of the empire like it did. If he wasn't murdered who knows what might have happened? And the Roman empire influenced every area it was in, it even influenced the language I write at this moment, English. People might not REMEMBER him, but they'll use a language that he helped to make, as butchered as it might get.

So, after a long argument between Jon and Bob, someone that I'll call Susan comes in, and she has something to say about this issue. Now, let's give some background on this Susan character. At the beginning of the year, she was pretty cool. She was into anime, especially Rurouni Kenshin, and anyone into anime must be somewhat good, as most people just see it as some other kid cartoons. So, she was kinda like me when it came to religion, but then, we went on winter break. When she came back, I was standing next to her, and something was different, I couldn't put my finger on it. Then, I saw her during mass. She was GROVELING ON THE FLOOR BEGGING FOR MERCY IN PRAYER. I was just blown away. She was never like that before, and others noticed it too.

Well, anwyay, she comes into this discussion about pointlessness, and says, "look, guys, when I went to middle and high school before this, I was such a bad sinner. I did just about everything, but I won't tell you too much about that because I'm not too proud of it, and then, something happend to me. I came to this school, and was introduced to God, and He turned my life around. I'm just so happy that I found God." So Susan walked away, and there was an odd silence. In what way did that pertain to the discussion at hand? It didn't, some people are just passionate about God so much, well, they just get passionate about God. So the conversation ended, and when it got a bit too violent, I left.

So, I go to the other side of school (small school) only to meet the new headmaster. I'm talking to him, an I'm joking around, and say I'm a genius. He comes up to me, and lectures me about the difference between being smart and being a genius. So, in reality, he said that by saying your a genius, you are saying you've done no work yourself, but a product of your genes. I tell him that in a way it's kind of humble if you look at it that way, and he says yes. So I joke around by saying that to everything two or three times. Then he tells me that humbleness alone won't get me into heaven... Another passionate Catholic for you.

Well, I'm out of that school, writing here, in this blog on my slow computer, and I think I'm out of stuff to say, so I better post this before my computer crashes and I have to write it over again.

Shoguns and Samurai and Ronin and Ninja.... oh my...

It has come to my attention that some people are not aware what a shogun actually is. In short, he is a military general of feudal Japan. This has actually reminded me of several things I'd like to discuss on that topic, being feudal Japan. For those of you interested in samurais/ninjas, this might be a very interesting post. For those other than that... try another blog. I've always wanted to write an article on this topic, so here's my chance, let's hope I don't screw it up.
Okay, in feudal Japan there was a rigid class system, one of those classes being samurai. These were professional warriors, who trained night and day in the warrior arts. They served one lord, a daimyo, basically a feudal lord. The daimyos had their little share of land (sometimes pretty big), and the samurais protected that land and enforced that daimyo's laws. The samurai were paid in rice, to live off of, and were granted residence on that daimyo's land.
Well, eventually a guy named Tokugawa Ieyasu came along (I'm writing the names in Japanese format, family name first, personal name last), and he did a bunch of important stuff (too much that I'd care to write), and he became shogun, the big military ruler, in control of all samurai and daimyo's. Yes, there were still daimyos, but they had to check in with the shogun for whatever reason. There was still an emperor, and some of you are probably wondering why I don't call myself emperor in my little online domain. Well, there are two reasons, the first being shoguns are cool samurai people, and the second being the emperor at that time was more of a symbolic person. The shogun, being in control of all the samurai, essentialy had all the real power.
Okay, that basically covers and shogun and samurai portion of this post, but there are two more: ronin and ninja.
Ronin (I believe) literally means "wave man". And that's what they were, wandering warriors, without a lord to serve. Now, ronins were not samurai (though they carried swords more than likely), though they might have been at one time. Sometimes they were shamed samurai, and didn't want to commit seppuku (ritual suicied, without going into it), so they just left. Now, seppuku, even if done under criminal charges or something along those lines, still proved that you had your honor. So by deciding not to perform seppuku, the other samurai viewed you as dishonorable scum. Thus, you wandered, probably having to face off against a samurai in several duels.
Now, still on the topic of ronins, and for all those Rurouni Kenshin fans, he's a ronin, not a samurai. If you have not noticed, he wanders around, with no lord to serve. Thus, a ronin.
Probably one of the greatest warriors, and also ronin, was Miyamoto Musashi, author of The Book of Five Rings, a book on strategy. This book has also been adopted for business strategy, and I've seen it in both martial arts and the business section of the book store... somewhat confusing when you're trying to find a particular translation.
Okay, now, for the grand finale, the ninja! Probably the most controversial topic around. Now, to clear this up for all of the ninja fans. If you want to know the real secrets of the ninja... WATCH NARUTO OR READ THE MANGA NARUTO FOUND IN SHONEN JUMP MAGAZINE!
..... HAHA, I was just joking. But it is a good anime/manga. I myself have not seen the anime, but read the manga, and it's great. Okay, so about the real secrets of the ninja... I don't really know. In fact, most don't. There was a Stephen K. Hayes who went to Japan to study the art of the ninja, first westerner to be allowed in I heard. Well, yes, some probably were assasins, who wore dark colors, and knew every trick of the trade to not only avoiding capture, but to also make themselves invincible in battle (or almost invincible) should they ever get caught on some spy mission. Okay, well, what about the others? Like I said, some probably were assasins, but I have seen several paintings of Hattori Hanzo, and he was wearing samurai armor. In fact, I have heard (don't remember where though) that some even achieved the rank of samurai. They did have their own province, so why not be able to defend it like the samurai.
In fact, Oda Nobunaga did attack the Iga province (place where ninja clan was) and his army was repelled (eventually beat them though). Now, when I say repelled, I don't mean they all dropped dead because they were killed by 500 ninja assasins. No, there was a battle. Because I believe one of Hanzo's sons, I believe it was Hanzo Masanari was nicknamed "Oni Hanzo" or "demon hanzo" because he was a great lancer, and I don't believe lances are necessarily the best thing to use in assasination mission when you're probably going to want to be stealthy. So yes, the "ninja" clans did have to fight on the battle field, probably in armor similar to the samurai, with similar weapons, however they probably used more gorilla tactics than the samurai did. But there probably were ninjas similar to how we see them, who did specialize in assasinations and the art of stealth, just probably a lesser amount than we are lead to believe (such as everyone in the clan was a ninja and they could kill an entire army with one strike without being seen, as in the example above).
Time to wrap this thing up. And yes, for those intelligent people who noticed the difference between my signature name, Musashi, and the title of this blog, they don't go together. Musashi wasn't ever shogun, but I liked the name Musashi and I liked the name Shogun's Fortress, so I decided to use them. This information is not perfect, and I'm always open to learning, blah blah blah, in short, have any other information, I would like very much to see it. I hope that those people who did read this particular post found it interesting, especially those who are into these kinda things.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Raising the Dead

Summer is finally here. I started a blog way back when, at the beginning of the year, and stopped after about three posts. Now, summer's here, and I find myself raising the blog from the dead. But this is a much more fun alternative to watching daytime tv. So, where to begin? How about the beginning of the day?
First Monday of summer, I found myself getting out of bed at seven o'clock to make it to my first Japanese lesson of the summer, at 8:15. I learn Japanese from the mother of one of my friends at school, and for a small fee, teaches me Japanese. Well, naturally, I tried to pay attention but all the different kinds of verbs were kinda... numerous. So, basically it's more reading for me to do, and get ready for class again Wednesday.
Getting back home... I did nothing... waiting for lunch, then watching some daytime tv. Bleh. A couple of friends are coming over Wednesday night, which mom's not to happy about. You see, I started a contract, at a certain martial arts dojo near me (the name of which I won't give on this blog). Well, halfway through my six month contract (apparently, the shortest one they had, you'd know if you like/hate something after six months) I found out how bad the dojo really was.
Didn't make the board requirements? Oh look, a faulty board, but you broke it anyway, so we'll let you pass. They'll let any kid pass, which goes to show how, uh, untrue it is to martial arts principles. So, I stopped going there, at least until school let out. Mom is now forcing me to go there, and finish the three months (all summer). But I can't just waste a summer, I have a destiny to fulfill! So, I'm looking for another dojo, but I can't go to any unless I continue with my damn contract. FURIOUS AM I!!!
So, basically, classes are on Wednesday, friend are coming over, can't go, mom's mad. Funny how even if you are in a high ranking position, your mom can still bug you. Case in point, Nero and his collapsible ship. I also plan on taking kendo, unfortunately, I just found out two days ago from a very experienced kendoka that all the people left for another club, leaving me with all the lesser experienced people.
BUT THERE IS AN UPSIDE, I have found a decent dojo near me, two actually, and I hope to scout them out soon, however mom won't let me until I start going to the bad dojo. Darn.
Well, I'm not sure if there's a little intro part thing in the blogs any more, well, I'll just tell you flat out. In case you haven't noticed, I'm into martial arts, and anime, manga, video games, and uh, a little more martial arts please, and don't forget the Japanese. Buddy's probably gonna yell at me for putting it at the end, and get mad at me because I'm so lazy (i know you will, and if you don't, it's just to prove me wrong), but I really only seem lazy, and only in things like school and homework and stuff. Unless the homework is somehow related to Japanese/martial arts. Well, what a sucessful first post (well, that is if it even shows up, at this very typing moment I haven't published it yet) and I'll see you all around (if there even is an all to see....).