
Everyone must take a great journey through life. This is a little bit of my own, my odyssey.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Getting Caught Up

Okay, well I haven't exactly been posting lately. Why? Well at first it started off as I didn't really want to talk much, then I did want to talk, somewhat, but couldn't really pull myself to do it. Well now, here I am, kinda bored, so I'm gonna get caught up on my past activities. First off, gaming, my favorites of my many many hobbies. What kind of gaming you might ask? Why, card gaming. If you're still in the dark, trading card games, think Pokemon, except I actually play the game. But the game is not Pokemon, the game is Magic: the Gathering.

Well first off, before the game was MTG, it was Yugioh (YGO). I won't to into the history of how screwy the dub is (that's another story, if you wanna year it I'll tell it), but I'm just going to tell you, I played that game. It was fun, I went to pojo.com every day, looked at tips, and was even a member of the pojo message boards (Dark Duelist for those who know me as that). But one day the world championship finals came around, and I saw a look at the top decks: chaos. For those who don't play the game, you can either play a chaos or non-chaos deck to be considered a top competitor. Some ran anti-chaos, some ran original themes, but overall, it was chaos that won. Now that caused me to look a lot at my current deck, my cheap deck, only two boosters a week deck. Could it win? Hell no. So, what do I do? I love playing games, and I love that game in particular, but what's a guy on a budget supposed to do? I quit, that's what I did. And I looked at some alternatives.

First up was Duel Masters, supposedly getting it's roots from MTG. Now I'd played MTG before, new *mostly* the rules, and figured it seemed good, but too kiddy, even more so than YGO (the dubbed version, and that's saying A LOT compared to the subbed version). Even so my brother and I bought the preconstructed decks, and tried them out. He had already bought the two player starter, so we had a rulebook. The rules aren't as hard. I've heard some people older than me play the game, I'm only 14 (at the moment) and I couldn't stand it. Why? One reason in particular was blockers. You opponent had a 1,000 creature on the field and you had 3 4,000 power creatures on the field, and they could attack for the win. Why? None of your creatures had blocker.

So, after that failure, I went back at MTG, I had previously bought an 8th Edition themed deck, Sky Slam, to try and get into it a while back. My brother, in order to play against me, bought a themed deck of his own, I forget the name, but it was goblin centered. Turns out my brother's deck is just overall better, I can't get creatures out until the second or third turn, by then he has 3+ creatures on the field (swarm!!!). But I can win sometimes, if he gets manascrewed and I get a creature advantage. Anyway, moral of that story is: DON'T PLAY UNBALANCED GAMES. For example, YGO. Also, MTG is A LOT cheaper (though I still need $15 for a starter set... rulebook), and the boosters have... 15 cards per pack! That's a lot of cards.

Okay, now on to bigger things. Up until a while ago, approximately a month ago (but at the time was only a week) I was under the complete impression that I was going to go to the new Raleigh Latin High School, for 10th grade (technically a 9th grader taking 10th grade classes... like last year I was taking 9th grade classes... anyway). Well, one day after I got home from my Japanese lesson, I found out I was accepted into Enloe High School, one of the best in the state (apparently). One reason I even applied there was for Japanese. So, I got my shedule yesterday, and here's the line up: 1st Period: Honors geometry
2nd: Chemistry
3rd: Healthful Living/gym
4th: Some debate thing: Intro to Forensics/Magnet China and Japan (2nd semester)
5th: Japanese 1
6th: Lunch
7th: Magnet Civilizations&Cultures
8th: Magnet Civilization&Cultural Civics

Now the lady told us the last two periods, C&C program, was a mix for both an Eglish and Social Studies class. I'll have to ask somebody about that. Well, after comparing the room numbers to the map I also got, I found out one thing: Every class is on the other side of the building from the previous one. Except for gym, which is on the far side of the SECOND building. I go from the furthest side of the east wing to the furthest side of the west wing. ***sigh*** lots of running. The school said they had teachers walk the routes to make sure people can still make it for class, then they said that I didn't have time to talk. I never talk in between classes, I always get to my class first, THEN talk if I have spare time. Last year I had lots of spare time, but when I was in a big public school, I didn't have much time. Well this school is BIGGER than my big public school, so I guess I will have no time for a social life. Oh well, that's me.

That concludes what has happened to me in the past, um... month.