
Everyone must take a great journey through life. This is a little bit of my own, my odyssey.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Treat Others...

the way you want to be treated. We've all heard it, and most of us try to abide by it. For my whole life, I have been told to live by and uphold that philosophy in my life. But where has it gotten me? Let's take a look.

Early years: My cousin Sean would always hit me with
something, but mom told me never to do that, so I didn't.

3-5 grade: Kids picked on me and called me fat, I was always the tallest but I was never mean to anybody.

6th grade: First part was homeschooled, then I moved here to NC and went to public school. Didn't talk to most people, didn't want to become the butt of all the jokes at such a huge school.

7th grade: Went to a Catholic school, where people made fun of me there. Why? Mostly because I had a gamecube and I thought Yugioh was a cool show, but they were all misled by the bad American job of it. Nobody would talk to me unless it was to make fun or laugh at me. I was called some pretty mean things, but I never returned any of those insults.

In between: I broke my collar bone. Then I was over at my grandma's house, when my cousin (different one) approached me. We never talked much, then he started to mess around, then he pushed me hard on my broken collar bone, into a wall which my broken bone smashed into. Then he went to school and told everyone that, he said "I wanted to toughen him up." Later, when I went there for 9th, someone came up to me and mentioned it. I laughed at it and said "oh yeah, I remember that."

8th grade: Skipped

9th: I went to another Catholic school, a much smaller one, one that my cousin when to, the one that broke my collar bone. Met a couple of cool people, I was friends with most everybody there, and the several people I wasn't really "friends" with, weren't really mean, they just weren't really my type, and I wasn't theirs, but we still respected each other.

Now: Well, today, I was at my uncle's for dinner, when I sat down, and I saw my cousin (one who hurt my broken collar bone) carrying a tray of chicken. Now, this cousin is a muscular guy, that chicken was pretty light, he's held much heavier things for much longer than this tray of chicken, but he needed to bring it inside. He was calling someone to open the door, so I went over to open it for him, trying to be nice, but not before weighing my two options. If I didn't open the door, he'd say "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? Didn't you see I couldn't open the damn door?" So I decided to be nice to someone who had never been nice to me, and open the door. Then he said, "get the hell out of my way." I then said, "you're welcome". I mean, come on, the guy was a jerk, but the least he could say was thank you, even my grandpa says "thank you", however sarcastic and mean it might sound. My cousin just says "shut the hell up" and gave me nasty looks all night.

Now, someone commented on this, and said, "you were being a smart ass, saying 'your welcome', he just retorted." Well, see above comment about at least having some dignity and saying thank you. This person also said that this cousin is older than myself, and even this friend of mine pushed around some of his younger family. Well I certainly do not, due to the fact I was not raised like that.

So, my mother and father have said it, "be nice to others" and this friend has said it. I told my friend all of this, and he said that I "missed the point" as usual. Well what has it gotten me? Okay, only thing good, um, 9th grade year. Well hold on a sec, I try to maintain my easygoing air about me, try to stay fun, around my family and friends. My family always calls me "dork" or "idiot", and I just brush it off (my friend says I should do this more), and online, we joke around too. Then somebody says "dork" or "idiot" or something like that. Well, my happy level tends to drop, due to my past history... the more they say it... the more sad, and eventually angry I become. It actually takes a while for this to happen, but come on, cut a guy some slack. This has happened all my life, I try to tell people that, but they just tell me "don't drag things out, that's your problem". By the end of 7th grade, I was pretty much fed up with "letthing things go", and I decided to take a more defensive stance. When people crossed a line, I told them. Then they would say things like "lighten up" and "don't take things to the 10th degree", and this happens until today.

I try to be nice, and respect people, then they turn around and are pretty rude to me, all for their various justifiable reasons, but sometimes they are just too... well you get the idea... I don't like it. I just thought some of you guys/girls would like to see a quick rundown of my life. Not too much happy? Well, not too much WAS happy when it came to school... some friends, but not many, mostly people who insulted me, and only when I was hanging around by myself, which was/still is actually a lot compared to some.

Friday, July 02, 2004

No Time to Myself

As I write this, I am currently being harrassed by certain unpleasurable company. In short: family. Now, you may think me strange, but on the whole, my family (on my mother's side) is most certainly not pleasant. She doesn't even like them, despite us being related. My cousins, in her opinion, aren't raised properly, and judging by the way they are around me, I must agree. First, it was just my cousins from Texas, they were okay, they didn't stay over at my house, they stayed at my grandma's house, but we'd get together somewhere and have some fun. Then my cousins from Florida came, bleh x_x

Now, when he arrived, he stayed over at my house on the first night. And my mom said previously, "he's not going to stay over here, we have stuff to do". So he stays over the first night. Then again on the second. Then on the third day, mom asks my aunt (cousin's mom) if she wanted to stop by my house and pick up his stuff. Do you know what she said? "he's fine there". I just about comitted seppuku, seriously. Normally he's just an ass, and he's always trying to put me down for "staying online too often" and "not doing any sports". Well I'm sorry if all of my activities are in the evening, and I don't have much to do during the day. But do you know what he did when he got here? Sat down on the couch, whipped out his GBA SP, and started playing. That's ALL HE DOES! Then he says "you're always online" to me, when I get on for fifteen minutes. I just about beat the shit out of him. WTF!!! Arg, to last week, this week, and next week, will NOT BE FUN AND EXTREMELY UNPRODUCTIVE.